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Spanking Tube Spanked and Spanked Again

At that place are many spanking blogs on the net. Withal, the vast bulk are consensual; two consenting adults, making an agreement to satisfy each others fantasies, using rubber words…..And that'southward fine. To each, his ain.

Simply my site is different. I believe that non-consensual spankings, are the best. And here'southward why: There'south no interim. It's real. Nothings apposite; nothing's been pre-arranged. The young woman is about to go something completely unexpected; something she would never dream in a million years she would receive. And the haughtier she is; the more arrogant; the more vain and self-absorbed, the more better it is to watch her reaction. Her face up will get from resentment, to anger, to atheism, to outright fright, in a matter of seconds.

The following are examples of what I'yard talking about. yes, they are from movies; but every actress depicted, is receiving, or near to receive, a very unwanted spaning:

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McClintock! Every spanking enthusiast knows this picture show. John Wayne chases Maureen O'Hara all over town, and when he catches her, drags her past the arm into a befouled, and gives her a spanking. Look at her confront, the outrage; look at the way she's squirming. Does she look like she'south enjoying herself? No. And that's what makes this scene so good.

The Secretary. Another movie that all spanking enthusiasts know. Did she have whatsoever idea what was about to happen when James Spader ordered her to bend over the desk-bound? No. And when that commencement smack landed beyond her ass, the look on her face up was…priceless.use in blog pic 5

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Weeds. Mary-Louise-Parker gets a very real, very unexpected spankingtenor (2) in the back of a limo. The man simply takes her over his lap, pulls up the dorsum of her dress, and spanks her ass red. Acting? Yes. But it's the non-consensual element, that makes the scene and so adept.

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One of my all-time favorites: Jessica Alba in The Killer Inside. This is equally adept as not-consensual spankings get. Smoking hot, so very full of herself, she gets thrown on the bed, her panties ripped downwardly, and then she gets a very real whipping on her bare ass with a belt. Once again, acting, of grade. But no truthful spanking enthusiast can deny, this is a wonderful scene. Imagine if this weren'tuse in blog pic 8

a movie. Imagine the actress, Jessica Alba, existence arrested for drinking and driving one day, and the judge granting her probation, on the status that her married man, or father, or fifty-fifty the judge himself, give her a whipping. Now imagine yourself walking past the bedroom when it happened? If you are a spanking enthusiast, and you tell me you lot would not stop and picket, y'all are a liar.

And I could become on and on, giving you examples of non-consensual spanking scenes in the movies. There are literally hundreds of them. But allow me to accept y'all in a different direction to make my betoken, good reader. Allow'south say you were sitting in your living room one evening, peradventure watching TV, when suddenly in that location's a knock on your door. Y'all open it, and you see two people standing on your front porch you've never seen before: A young adult female, cute and blond, and an older-looking man standing beside her. The man looks angry, the immature woman looks nervous and embarrassed.

USA_Maria-Sharapova-11 Tennis star, Maria Sharapova.

The man introduces himself as Yuri Sharapov. The immature woman abreast him, is his daughter, Maria. He apologizes for the inconvenience; and so he asks a foreign question. It appears his girl, famed tennis star, Maria Sharapova, has gotten herself into some trouble. She's been banned from playing tennis for nine months, for failing a drug exam. He, of class, is outraged past this. And because he's so angered by this, he simply cannot wait to get home to bailiwick her. He must exercise it at present. He reaches into his wallet and hands yous a wad of bills.


He asks if he can utilise your bedroom for a few minutes, that he plans to requite her a whipping. He says that he'due south sick and tired of her flaunting herself half-naked in public, and at present with being banned for failing a drug test, he's going to cicatrice her barrel, good.

What would you do, my consensual-only friends? Would you become shocked and offended at such a asking? And so much so that you lot would hand him the coin back, and politely enquire him to leave? Or would you prove him the fashion to the bedroom? Maybe enquire if he needed any "assistance"?

Or maybe if it was Britney Spear's male parent, request you to use your sleeping accommodation? Or Jennifer Dearest Hewitt'due south begetter? Or Paris Hilton'southward father? Be honest. Tell me you wouldn't enjoy watching any 1 of these women, get their saucy butts whipped with a belt? If you are a spanking enthusiast, and you say you wouldn't, so maybe y'all're not as into spanking as you think you are.


Source: https://thewoodshedwriter.wordpress.com/2017/12/10/why-non-consensual-spankings-are-the-best/

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